Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Hello person-who-is-reading-this!! *waves*

Welcome to my blog for GEOG3057 Global Environment Change. When I heard that we're doing a blog as our coursework for the module, I was really excited, and so I started doing really frivolous things like customising my blog (you got to have a pretty blog to motivate yourself to write in it). So finally my blogspot is up and running. It has been ages since I last kept a blog and much less an academic one, so I wonder how this school assignment will turn out. Hmm...

Having finished with my ramble, I shall now introduce my wonderful geography blog.

The focus of this blog/coursework is to deconstruct media portrayals of environmental change. This would include mostly documentaries and movies to understand the different theories and debates about climate change and the significance of humans on effecting that change. I remember learning last year in my nature culture course about how film and photography are inherently biased in the choice of subject, angles and frame in order to bring across a point that they are trying to make. Clearly, environmental films, no matter how "factual" they try to appear is also prone to political, environmental and social agendas. I do not claim to be an expert in the topic of environmental change, although through this course I do hope to learn much about paleoclimatology, and I acknowledge that I do have my own bias, but I hope that you enjoy this blog nonetheless.

One more thing, I haven't actually done physical geography for the past 3 years. So if there's anyone really really nice out there who has CONSTRUCTIVE comments on how I can improve my research, analysis and blog posts as I go along, do drop me nice little notes. They will be much appreciated. :)

With that I leave you with a silly comic, because I love comics:
Source: http://superforest.org/tag/climate-change/

1 comment:

Anson W. Mackay said...

this is a great start - and I like the camera lens image. Dont worry too much about the "physical geography" aspect of the blog - focus in the critical interpretation of media portrayal.

For the "palaeo" angle, you could use old documentary records (e.g. photos, paintings, books) of our portrayal of the environment.